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Blog Posts Mogul Press

Mogul 2022 Year in Review & 2023 Outlook

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone! As a team, we have been ideating and building Mogul since 2016 and have seen many different market cycles and narratives. As we look back on 2022, there were certainly plenty of ups and downs to learn from and share our insights with the community. From major world events, to a looming recession, to major product developments, and successes, 2022 was a year of change. 

Some of the biggest headlines of the year included: 

  • The war in Ukraine
  • Celsius, Voyageur, 3AC, & FTX bankruptcies
  • Increasing interest rate hikes across major economies 
  • Netflix share price down 50%
  • The successful ETH Merge
  • The abundance of layoffs in tech and crypto

As we reflect on the past year, it’s important to remember both the highs and the lows; evaluating each to see how we can improve our business and community. It is through these experiences that we grow and learn, and it’s what will help us to succeed together in 2023.

Mogul Accomplishments in 2022

  • Showcased Mogul at ETH Denver with prominent artists 
  • MEXC exchange listed STARS on their platform
  • Partnered with Bybit NFT
  • Showcased Mogul and the upcoming Mogies launch in Dubai at 3 different crypto conferences
  • Sold the first-ever NFT at Art Dubai
  • Launched our NFT marketplace contracts across ETH and BSC and integrated them into the Mogul platform
  • Alongside Netflix, Mogul headlined the CMPA Prime Time 2022 digital conference
  • Launched Mogul quadratic voting on BSC (already on ETH) to support more cost-effective governance and voting across the Mogul platform for STARS holders
  • Showcased Mogul at Crypto Bahamas and invited Access Pass holders to the events 
  • Integrated fiat to crypto purchasing on the Mogul platform to allow users to purchase crypto directly on their Mogul dashboard with a credit card 
  • Launched the new Mogul website with an emphasis on attracting more creators and moviemakers to use the Mogul platform 
  • Sold out the Gowns for Good NFT collection auction for an average of 7 ETH per NFT; featuring Mogul on an Oscars commercial on national television
  • Successfully monitored the ETH merge and stabilized the Mogul platform
  • Improved the project submission process on the Mogul platform with the integration of DocuSign for creators to directly submit their projects on Mogul for consideration to be listed on the Mogul Movie Launchpad
  • Partnered with the Steve Harvey Foundation and showcased Mogul at their annual golf tournament in the Bahamas 
  • Ascendex exchange listed STARS on their platform
  • Partnered with FalconX, a premiere market maker in the industry, to support the STARS token ecosystem
  • Had business development team members attend Bitcoin Miami to create partnerships 
  • Unveiled our Mogies collection at the ETH Toronto / Futurist Conference in Toronto; selling out the Mogies pre-sale in the process


  • Released the Mogies trailer 
  • Sold out of Mogies collection via a unique dutch auction process
  • Announced the creation of the Mogies animated series and released the animatic trailer to our Mogies holders
  • Twitter verified the Mogul account on their platform
  • Mogul team members spoke at NFT Seattle to showcase Mogul and our Mogies collection
  • Made significant UX/UI upgrades to the Mogul platform dashboard to allow users to see all of the activity across Mogul
  • Partnered with over 20 different companies, including: CryptoCart (to use STARS to purchase gift cards), Ism Toys, Nearverse, Darkhorse Films, Earn Craft, Beem, Trace Network, Bubble Maps, and many more
  • Launched a 12-month STARS staking program for our holders directly on the Mogul platform with custom smart contracts
  • Launched 6 movies through the Mogul Movie Showcase (most of which will be launching their NFT movie collections exclusively on Mogul this year). These movies include: Babel, Billionaire Bunnies, Jancroon, Retrogression, Lazarus, My Father’s Son, Revival, and Antara
  • In an effort to streamline the Mogul product and have more movies launched on our platform, we launched the Mogul Creator Portal product. This product allows movies partnering with Mogul to create movie-based NFT campaigns with no code using the Mogul administration system
  • Produced over 15 episodes of Mogul Live with industry experts such as Jordan Ver Hoeve, Erick Tran, and other Hollywood experts
  • Conducted over 35 Twitter Spaces with industry experts such as Mario Nawfal
  • Presented the Malibu Crush premiere in Los Angeles and Australia; inviting our NFT holders to attend this exclusive event
  • Burned nearly 3.5M STARS tokens through Supernova events
  • Integrated Wallet Connect to the Mogul platform to allow all self-custody wallets to use the Mogul platform
  • Moderation of our communities, specifically in Telegram, has been taken on by community members passionate about the project, which is an amazing sign for the growth of our communities and shows that Mogul is stronger than just the internal talent working day-to-day on the project 

Our efforts in 2022 have been to support the following goals: 

  • Reward our NFT holders with in-real-life (IRL) events close to Hollywood
  • Scale the Mogul platform to launch more movies and thus pass on more rewards and benefits to our NFT holders and STARS holders
  • Make STARS more accessible globally and give more use cases within the Mogul platform
  • Advertise Mogul across the world in a cost-effective manner to grow in users and the size of our community 
  • Improve the Mogul platform to increase revenue for the Mogul ecosystem to pass on these rewards to our community 

What’s in store for 2023?

Mogul’s mission is to reimagine film production, distribution and fan participation using the power of the crowd through blockchain technology. The benefits of using blockchain include transparency, tracking, security, and stakeholder ownership.

Our vision is to be the future of film through the power of the crowd. 

The core Mogul platform has been over-developed in 2022 in a great way – we now have the tools to accomplish these goals in a more efficient manner and the dashboard experience to support a growing user base. We expect, with the exception of Mogieland, that development time on the core Mogul platform will be significantly reduced and more time can be spent improving the product.

The Mogul product has made major strides in this mission, launching a film financing portal where filmmakers can raise funds and exploit NFT rights on their film through NFTs, creating partnerships with networks of over 6 Metaverses with film studios for films launching on Mogul to stream and premiere their films in Metaverse locations to engage their NFT holders, and re-engineering the Mogul quadratic voting portal, where fans can vote on key aspects of the production process. 

Our goals are in scaling and becoming the premiere place where Film3 lives and projects come to to leverage NFT technology to exploit movie rights and engage fanbases. In addition, a big focus will be in the creation of protocol revenue for the community. When we analyze successful products and tokens in tangential niches to movies (music, sports, etc.) they are all excellent at creating protocol revenue and passing those rewards on to their supporters to continue growing.

We want to be introspective while listening to the community, partners, and industry titans in entertainment in how they can best leverage Mogul. This will help us to grow, scale, and align with top partners. 

From Mogul, expect: 

  • More movie launches
  • Progress on the Mogieland launch
  • Progress on the Mogies animated series
  • Metaverse collaborations
  • STARS accessibility partnerships & integrations
  • More IRL utility for Mogies & Access Passes
  • More multi-language communities being grown and built 
  • Bear market marketing strategies to grow the community
  • Premiere partnerships 

In regards to Mogieland, which many of our community members are very excited about, Mogul President Lisa Sun posted an introspective explanation of Mogul’s thought process and timelines that you can read here

In summary, Mogul’s thesis has never been more true. Studios are learning and becoming more inclined to use NFTs for their movies. With the Metaverse, the short-term hype has died down since the rebranding of Facebook and the subsequent run-up, but fans and moviegoers are still showing that they want a way to deeply connect globally to their favourite films. Mogul is not simply launching Mogieland to increase hype, but to build a connected ecosystem of content consumers and content creators. Right now, metaverses across the industry are lacking users, posing barriers to meaningful partnerships to be made with top studios. We are continuing to build and strategize a proper rollout for Mogieland so that the launch meets expectations across the industry. 

The lack of consumer interest in metaverses throughout the back half of 2022 is illustrated by the Google Trends analysis, showing the search volume from consumers for the word “Metaverse” across the last 5 years.

Where are we looking to improve? 

We want more movies to launch on Mogul now that we have the best platform in the world to support FIlm3.

Other goals to improve on are: 

  • Launching more voting opportunities for our community to vote on aspects of movie production in partnership with the films launching on Mogul; whereby giving more use cases for STARS on the Mogul platform and including our community more in the script-to-screen process
  • Qualify, close, and launch more mainstream movies to launch on Mogul that have global appeal
  • Streamline our business development process to decrease the time to market for films 
  • Decentralize and involve the community of token holders more in the decision-making processes through voting
  • Growing our leadership team to bring in esteemed professionals in entertainment to help bring Mogul to the next level 
  • Partnering with public film investment vehicles to bring more capital to the Mogul platform

To accomplish these goals we have revamped our business development process and coupled it with our technology to operate at a better scale. 

We have improved our movie vetting process, have decreased our time-to-market for NFT campaigns by months, and have adjusted our onboarding documentation for filmmakers to make it clear on how they can succeed using Mogul.

We will be putting these to action in 2023 and evaluating how we can continue improving these processes.

How does value accrue to our community?

We want Mogul to become a circular protocol, where Mogul is striving to achieve goals that benefit our community, and vice versa. This can be done with small tweaks to operations to make sure that we’re providing circular value. 

As you know, as part of STARS token economics, STARS are removed from circulation via supernovas when STARS are used on Mogul. Mogul movie profits are also used to reward holders and vote on where the funding will go. Thus far, the movies launched on Mogul have not yet reached profitability due to delayed distribution and production on the filmmakers. These are variables that Mogul does not control and was a primary reason why we, in 2022, embarked on producing our own animated series (Mogies) where we could control more variables to reward our holders. 

In order to create larger supernovas, provide more perks to our holders from movies, and have protocol revenue to allow holders to vote on, we need to launch more films via the Mogul platform. 

More films launching means that more STARS will be spent on the platform, more movies will offer rewards to our community, and more movies will have a chance at reaching profitability. 

We expect Q1 2023 to bring our community more leadership to the Mogul team, more capital partners, and partnerships with premiere exchanges.

Blog Posts

Web3 is the Future of Film

The film industry is no stranger to technological innovation. From the invention of motion pictures to the proliferation of streaming platforms, the industry has always found ways to adapt and utilize new technologies to reach and engage audiences.

In recent years, Web3 technologies have emerged as a promising new tool for the film industry to consider. Web3 refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web, which is characterized by the use of decentralized technologies like blockchain and peer-to-peer networks.

There are several ways in which the film industry can benefit from using Web3 technologies, and in this blog post, we’ll explore a few of the most significant ones.

One of the most compelling reasons for the film industry to consider Web3 technologies is the potential for increased efficiency and cost savings. In the traditional film industry, there are often multiple intermediaries involved in the distribution and monetization of films. These intermediaries can include distribution companies, licensing agencies, and streaming platforms, all of which take a cut of the profits.

With Web3 technologies, it’s possible to create more direct and transparent relationships between filmmakers and their audiences. For example, filmmakers could use blockchain-based platforms to distribute their films directly to audiences, bypassing traditional intermediaries and retaining a larger share of the profits.

Web3 technologies could also enable filmmakers to more easily monetize their work through micropayments and other innovative payment models. For example, a filmmaker could use a blockchain-based platform to offer their film for streaming on a pay-per-view basis, allowing audiences to pay a small fee to watch the film on demand. This model could be especially beneficial for independent filmmakers who may struggle to get their work distributed through traditional channels.

Another way in which Web3 technologies could benefit the film industry is through the creation of new business models and revenue streams. For example, filmmakers could use blockchain-based platforms to sell exclusive content or merchandise directly to their fans. They could also use these platforms to offer “smart contracts” that allow fans to financially support their work on a recurring basis, similar to the way that Patreon works for content creators.

Web3 technologies could also enable the film industry to better manage and protect intellectual property. The use of blockchain-based platforms could make it easier to track and enforce copyright licenses, reducing the risk of piracy and enabling filmmakers to more fairly monetize their work.

In addition to the practical benefits outlined above, Web3 technologies also have the potential to foster greater creativity and innovation within the film industry. By enabling more direct relationships between filmmakers and audiences, Web3 technologies could encourage the development of new and more diverse forms of storytelling. Filmmakers could use these technologies to experiment with new distribution and monetization models, leading to a more vibrant and diverse film industry.

Of course, the adoption of Web3 technologies is not without its challenges. One of the main challenges is the need for infrastructure and support to enable the use of these technologies. This includes the development of user-friendly blockchain-based platforms and the creation of educational resources to help filmmakers understand and utilize these technologies effectively.

Another challenge is the need for greater understanding and awareness of Web3 technologies among filmmakers and industry professionals. Many in the film industry may be unfamiliar with these technologies and may need help understanding their potential benefits and drawbacks.

Despite these challenges, the film industry has the potential to significantly benefit from the adoption of Web3 technologies. By enabling increased efficiency, cost savings, and new business models, these technologies could help filmmakers to reach and engage with audiences in new and innovative ways.

Blog Posts

War Drama “Revival” Partners with Mogul to Launch Movie NFTs

“Revival” is helmed by Award Winning Director Jivan Avetisyan, with the full length feature film to be shot in Armenia/Artsakh, Iceland, Lithuania, Israel, and France

Revival tells the story of one Woman’s secret that forces three destinies to intertwine when a young robotics student living in France is determined to root out the truth of his father’s wartime death in Armenia / Artsakh… his girlfriend, a young French woman sets out to reunite with her estranged volcanologist father in Iceland to trace her indigenous Canadian roots… his esteemed French professor, a descendent of a Holocaust survivor, reclaims his abandoned Jewish roots in Israel in search of the meaning of life. Along the way, an artificial intelligence system evolves via their hardships and forced sacrifices that bring them closer to their true identity. 

Director Jivan Avetisyan spent 38 days in Artsakh during the brutal September 2020 Artsakh War, which lasted until November 9, 2020. Avetisyan also spent a substantial amount of time documenting all the atrocities and war crimes committed against the Armenian population of Artsakh, including his family. He will integrate these photos and videos in Revival and his future film projects.

In the film, Avetisyan has presented fragments and glimpses of the stories that he has heard, read, witnessed, and memorized at different times. In a sense, the film is based on actual, lived stories and historical events. The narratives are intertwined in an interesting way and become a part of a completed single continuous chain. These stories are presented, for example, as the protagonist’s storyline, or as elements or episodes in the stories of other characters. Revival also adds a key element of Artificial Intelligence development to the story as AI plays a prominent role especially since it is meant to change the face of warfare. The AI component appears in the film with the character of ORCHID (ORganizer of CHaotic Input Data), which has some “water-like” characteristics. The film is not a sci-fi movie but will beautifully show the evolution of the ORCHID, an AI system, and how the final step of it is self-consciousness.

Peace is one of the main messages of the film project Revival. “I try to show the route leading to peace that I long so much for. The war overwhelmed my thoughts when I was nine to ten years old. At that time, I didn’t understand all the tragedy, but being at the center of the events, I felt its upcoming danger every day. And now, each and every day, I wake up with a hope that my children will never see and feel such horrors. In order to have that peace, I believe self-knowledge is necessary to gain peace of mind. Therefore, what occupies an important place in the film is the retrieval and preservation of the identity of generations who suffered from wars and disasters at different times. The question always haunting the characters is, “Who am I?” This is the driving force of their quests.” – Jivan Avetisyan

The NFT collection launching on Mogul will be designed to give Indie Film Fans the ability to get closer to the action and filmmaking process through a variety of different utilities such as; access to the Premier and After Party, Gated content with BTS footage, Visits to the shooting set, Digital film poster with Director’s autograph & more. The support of the film via the NFTs will also directly contribute to the financing of the film and expedite the production.

Revival gained international interest in 2020 by the selection committee of Berlinale Talents, at the Berlin International Film Festival. Avetisyan was selected amongst 3,400 applicants to attend Berlinale Talents 2020. Within the talent program, he became the subject of a documentary by German international Broadcaster Deutsche Welle, DW Documentary.

You can learn more about the Revival NFTs on the Mogul Platform and stay up to date with the Revival film developments via their Twitter and Instagram pages..

About Mogul ProductionsMogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.Website | Twitter | Instagram | Reddit | Telegram | Medium

Blog Posts NFT Drops

Babel Universe To Launch Sci-Fi Universe on Mogul

Babel Universe to launch on Mogul Productions and power an Animated Series


Babel began as an academic thesis about a hypothetical “universal language”, a language that is powerful enough to overcome all communication barriers between individuals. If you’re familiar with the biblical story “Tower of Babel”, you probably know that the people there spoke a unified language until God confused their tones. That language led its speakers to build a tower to reach heaven. In another sense, it showcases a positive belief in the collective power of mankind when connected. 

After researching throughout history, (Handuo, Co-Founder of Babel) found that the search for the “universal language” has taken many shapes over the past thousands of years. From religion to linguistics, from philosophy to computer science, the most recent attempt to realize such a language is the BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) technology. 

Such a techno-universal language may become true in the unavoidable near future. (Not only because Elon Musk’s company Neuralink aims to make it.) Especially when it brings more productivity to the ones who “speak” it than the ones who don’t. However, just like the “Tower of Babel” story implies, we can be constructive when we’re connected, but destructive when such a connection fails. We’re not only facing a technological problem but a humanistic choice. Because technology is who uses it. Just as a language is who speaks it.

In mid-2020, Handuo wrote these ideas into a Sci-fi short story and presented it at the Cologne film festival. Three writers (Marina, Michael, and Hernando) saw his presentation and found him after. In the following half a year, they expanded the short story into an animated series bible. 

The Animated Series

“After a VR game that offered them purpose and a sense of community ends in 2035, 10,000 individuals reunite through an overwhelmingly powerful mindsharing software given to them by the game makers, only to find themselves on the run from the authorities…” 

Together with Marina Bendocchi Alves, Michael Grießler, and Hernando Sandoval, they wrote an Animated-Series Bible in early 2021 that contains 10 x 10-15mins episodes for the first season. 

We follow three main characters’ journeys from finding “Heaven” (the software that enables the universal language) in an online game to forming a collective intelligence and confronting an AI totalitarian world. 

On one hand, the story is a speculative future of our world. On the other hand, it also centers on a universal topic: Connection vs Disconnection. The universal language speakers can share their thoughts, experiences, emotions, and skills, but also their flaws. Will they be able to shine a light on the dark cyberpunk future? We invite everyone who participates in the project to decide. 


Babel believes that a story about a collective intelligence is best to be made by a collective intelligence. And the best people and tools for this large-scale co-creation are only to be found in Web3. Therefore, Handuo partnered up with blockchain veteran Yanko at the beginning of 2022 to establish BabelDAO: a decentralized autonomous organization to bring the animated series to life and expand the Babel universe in ways that we alone cannot imagine. 

The BabelDAO members will hold NFT badges that represent their levels of involvement in the universe’s creation. Their NFTs can be earned without spending money. Members can upgrade their badges by completing educational tasks, participating in community events, and creating values (Creative, Financing, Marketing, and Management) for the project in their own ways. On the other hand, they can open a purchasable option for members to speed up their growth. This is to bring cash flow for the project. 

Every part of the series production is to be co-created. Members with high-level badges (which usually means a deeper understanding of the project) can do things such as writing their own storylines, voting on creative decisions, auditioning for voice-acting, and getting paid for their work. 

The BabelDAO funds their creatives with both USD and their native ERC-20 token. All members involved in the series production are also to be compensated a royalty when the series goes public (i.e. streams on one of the major streaming platforms).

There are eight guilds in the DAO. They are: Writing Guild, Visual Art Guild, Audio Art Guild, Creative Coding Guild, Moving-Image Guild, Design Guild, Finance Guild, and Public Relations Guild. A universe can only expand with the collective effort of people with different skills and passions. 

For those looking to get involved, you can earn a Seed badge (for free) and join their Discord. The date for the Babel NFT Drop will be announced on Mogul Productions in the near future!

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.Website | Twitter | Instagram | Reddit | Telegram | Medium

Blog Posts NFT Drops

Billionaire Bunnies Club Launches Crime Drama Series On Mogul

PFP collection will also be used to drive ESA Therapy

The Billionaire Bunnies Club was founded by two graduates of Pace University and Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in NYC. Julian Bonilla and Marcus Louis, who came together to empower others with the passion for entrepreneurship in Web3 and to also bring awareness to Emotional Support Animal Therapy.

The Billionaire Bunnies Club is currently in the process of creating an animated crime drama series that utilizes NFT art and blockchain technology. They are looking to create a unique experience for their holders and plan to provide an environment that emphasizes Web3 education curating a luxury lifestyle and culture brand which ties in together perfectly with other many global brand initiatives. Their focus is on becoming a globally recognized brand within the NFT industry.

Co- Founder, Julian Bonilla has a background in commodity sales and marketing. Julian has helped companies maximize their earnings and outreach to consumers through social media and network marketing opportunities. An accomplished entrepreneur with a long track record of success beginning when he was 21 years old eventually building well over $10M worth of revenue for clients and helping to build several successful ancillary businesses during this period. For nearly 7 years, Julian was associated with the new construction and FinTech sales business. He was responsible for bringing in over 90% of the revenue for those businesses. The Artist and Co-Founder Marcus Louis has a graphic design and fashion design background where he has worked with major brands in Tech and Fashion. Marcus, the creative lead of The Billionaire Bunnies Club has taken the art of this project to new levels and knows the foundation of it is the quality of the art.

Their roadmap is developed around producing the animated series and also offers access to other member-only events that will take place in real life and in the metaverse. The animated series will be funded by the community and also have member only perks that will allow the community opportunities to access behind the scenes content and much more! Owner of a Billionaire Bunnie will give lucky holders the opportunity to see their characters as cameo in different episodes of the series adding more interest to engage the audience and their desire to watch.

The roadmap will give members the opportunity to understand when the animated series will become produced in-house. They look forward to continuing building with a community-driven development approach leading the way. They are an ESA therapy driven team and the idea of this all stemmed from seeing a direct correlation where bunnies are used as emotional support animals. They believe in investing in the fundamental methods of therapy. An ESA can drastically improve a person’s quality of life, helping them through sometimes debilitating anxiety and depression symptoms. A lot of their efforts of awareness will be directed towards those organizations focused on mental health and mental disabilities who utilize these ESA therapy programs. As support animals are often overlooked as a method of coping, they want to bring awareness to the different types of adversity we all face in life especially since the events of COVID and the unsure economic standing it hits us all with. Bunnies happen to be a huge part of the ESA therapy community so they believe they can help a great variety of different families with their team’s mission. The Billionaire Bunnies Club will continue offering education within their community on safely selling, buying and trading NFTs.  

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.Website | Twitter | Instagram | Reddit | Telegram | Medium

Blog Posts NFT Drops

 Mogul Productions Partners with Reign of the Underdog for Six-Part Graphic Novel Animated Adaptation

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi), NFT marketplace and production company, is leveraging its community of film fans and blockchain marketplace to help fund the adaptation of a six-part adult graphic novel into an animated series.

The series, dubbed Reign of the Underdog Featuring Lazarus, is an original graphic novel by Lazarus Guidry featuring words and art by some of the industry’s brightest stars. The series’ arc tells the story of Lazarus, a man who must battle his way through a dark world of crime and corruption in search of answers about his family and his very existence. It’s a brooding tale with danger and deception lurking around every turn, with blood to be spilled along the way.

Lazarus Guidry (né Rawlin Guidry) is the creator and writer of the Reign of the Underdog series, and the inspiration for its titular character. A rapper, producer, and actor, he is known for roles in Straight outta Compton, Unsolved, Hulu’s Runaways and many other roles. He is the brainchild behind Reign of the Underdog featuring Lazarus.   Guidry drew on experiences from his own troubled youth in Louisiana in the creation of the graphic novel’s world.

Comic industry veteran Arvell M. Jones is the penciller for the Reign of the Underdog series. His impressive artist resume dates back to Marvel Comics in the 1970s, drawing for titles including Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Luke Cage, the Avengers, Daredevil, and more. 

Bob Wiacek, the inker for the project, is another comic veteran with decades of experience, beginning in the 1970s as a member of the “Crusty Bunkers” inking collective. He got his start inking backgrounds over Curt Swan’s pencils on Superman for DC Comics before starting a multi-decade career with Marvel, where he worked on titles including Star Wars, The Uncanny X-Men, Power Pack, Sensational She-Hulk, and many others.

Tom Orzechowski, responsible for letters and copyediting of the project, is an award-winning comic book letterer, primarily known for his work on Uncanny X-Men. Over his career, he has lettered around 6,000 pages of longtime X-Men writer Chris Claremont’s scripts over a 25-year period. 

Once released, each new 24-page full-color issue of Reign of the Underdog Featuring Lazarus will be distributed to NFT holders, including a music compilation with the first issue. The 500 piece NFT collection will be used to help finance the upcoming animated series and give fans the opportunity to be part of the journey from script to screen. NFT holders will receive a long list of perks & utility in addition to receiving all 5 issues of the comics!

The six-part mini-series will appeal to a broad spectrum of adult comic fans, featuring a richly detailed imagining of a dystopic 2033 cloaked in futuristic sci-fi imagery.

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.

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Mogul Press

Mogul Productions Presents: Malibu Crush Premiere in Sydney & LA

Malibu Crush is the award winning  independent Aussie comedy of two best friends from Pasadena who pretend to be highly acclaimed film school students in order to declare their love for an ex-girlfriend living in Sydney Australia.   

The movie stars actor and filmmaker James Pratt, Mogul Productions’ very own Live Talks host.  Its film premiere comes on the hot momentum of winning over 25 major film festivals in 2022 including, The 2022 Los Angeles Film Awards, 2022 Cannes Film Awards, The New York Movie Awards, and 2022 Beyond Hollywood Int’l Film Festival.

“My favourite comedy of 2022. Funny, witty and well-made. I’m not at all surprised by the success it’s had in US film festivals.”

 Hollywood producer Justin L. Levine

Malibu Crush was one of the few feature films shot in America and Australia during the 2021 pandemic.  It was filmed in and around Bondi Beach showcasing the incredible landscapes and businesses as part of the script.

Access Pass holders can attend red carpet premieres of the film in two major global cities.

Six tickets are available for the September  6th red carpet film premiere of Malibu Crush at Fox Studios Sydney on the 6th of September, 2022.

TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood will play the movie the same week as part of being a finalist in the ihollywood and Silicon Beach film festival.

“Mogul has already been a huge help to us making the film, with constant support and encouragement this is something often lacking in the filmmaking process.

James Pratt

Malibu Crush opens across all online platforms in Australia and New Zealand  in Australia on September 7th.  In America the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood will play Malibu Crush during the same week as part of being a finalist for the 2022 Silicon Beach Film Festival and iHollywood Film Festival.

Malibu Crush was one of the few feature films shot in America and Australia during the 2021 pandemic.Mogul provides support to independent films around the world.  They will be active this month across Canada, Australia and Los Angeles. Mogul is a supporter of the Australian entertainment and blockchain industry.  Jake Fraser our Business Development Manager  – Anthony NFT announcement/ Mogul live guests. 

Malibu Crush Premiere Details

IMDB Details

Awards Details

6th September 2022

Hoyts Cinemas Fox Studios Australia

Red carpet is 6pm

Malibu Crush, the independent Aussie feature Film will be released on September 7th across all online platforms in Australia and NZ

USA TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood will play the movie the same week as part of being a finalist in the ihollywood and Silicon Beach film festival.

About Malibu Crush

Starring award-winning actor James Pratt, The Bachelor’s Brittany Hockley, Demitra Sealy ( Fast & Furious 9 ) Scott E Miller ( Once upon a time ) Bella Valentini ( Streets of Nadia ) and Billy White, Malibu Crush has been a big hit in 2022 across the USA festival circuit winning 21 major film festivals, including the Los Angeles Film Awards, Cannes Film Awards and Beyond Hollywood International Film Festival.


Malibu Crush was one of the few feature films shot in America and Australia during the 2021 pandemic. The Dumb and Dumber style comedy has secured Australian and New Zealand distribution via Bounty Films and the USA, European and Canadian distribution through Cardinal XD.

Blog Posts

Benefits of STARS Tokens

Welcome everyone to Mogul’s ecosystem.  We are the NFT marketplace platform for the movie industry.  Over the years Mogul has cultivated its team and technology to give you the best experience.  Each day Mogul develops exciting products infused with a strong community spirit.

With so many exciting products from film and entertainment entering Mogul’s marketplace, new fans and collectors are joining our ecosystem daily.  Mogul creates processes to interact with and reward its community.  This also includes working with its cross-community partners to provide utility in the form of games, tokens and other rewards.   

The STARS token is our native cryptocurrency that opens the world of Film3 wide open.   It’s used for staking, voting, governance and ownership.  STARS allows users to take part in our NFT drops, watch movies and fashion shows in our Mogieland metaverse, and get involved in the community.  Fans and collectors who wish to buy NFTs on the Mogul platform,  or participate in the P2E games and land sales in Mogieland, will need STARS to do so. 

Buying NFTs with STARS rewards buyers with discounts and lower gas rates.  Occasionally, drops and other sales can be purchased with both STARS and ETH.  In such cases, products bought with STARS will receive a significant discount on their purchase as compared to using ETH.  This is our way of saying thank you for supporting the utility and benefits of our native cryptocurrency.

Aside from staking STARS in film projects, which we will get to shortly,  Mogul Productions runs its own staking programs.  Staking means locking your tokens in a staking pool to earn rewards  in the form of more STARS tokens.   Participants have the opportunity to lock their tokens for specified periods of time to receive a STARS reward rate defined by the pool they are entering.  The longer the lockup, the more rewards!    

Mogul Productions -Voting is Back - NFT Marketplace
Let’s Make A Film Together!  VOTING IS BACK

Stars is used for green lighting film projects

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and NFT platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. 

By leveraging blockchain technology and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Through the use of STARS tokens, users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production. 

Up to 50% rewards from Mogul-produced movies goes back to the Stars voting stakers

Quadratic voting promotes active participation in voting from all of the STARS token holders, regardless of their size, because each holder has a voice in the process. Small holders have a proportionally large voice; which in turn allows Mogul to gauge the sentiment across our entire community, and not just a few large holders!

That’s the premise of Mogul. Bringing power back to the crowd

Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced a wide range of films and TV shows. Our team reviews film submissions. 

Mogul then comes up with a shortlist of films to vote on based on the producer’s recommendations and expertise.   We’d present those films to the community. Then the community votes on what film they want to see turned into a cinematic release. 

NFTs campaigns are then custom-built for each movie.

Are you an indie filmmaker with a vision? Submit a project proposal for a chance to have your idea funded.  When you submit a project, our panel reviews it and the successful projects will be put into the showcase.

Fund Your Project

More Utility

Mogul is constantly building ways to add more utility to the STARS. This includes but is not limited to usage in new film and crypto projects, mores ways to spend the token on other platforms, and getting the token listed on other exchanges.

Supernovas reward STARS token holders

Mogul is always thinking of ways to give more utility to STARS.  Each time STARS are used for in-app activities, Mogul destroys a portion of the STARS used to complete the action.  

That includes:

  • Purchasing limited-edition NFTs that are only made available to STARS holders
  • Purchasing rewards with STARS
  • Submitting scripts for Mogul’s review

Here at Mogul, we call it a Supernova when a portion of STARS are permanently taken out of circulation, or burned.  Supernovas allow users to buy more NFTs with their STARS, as well as protect and reward our community of token holders. Supernovas are scheduled to occur on the third Friday of every month and more may be added as circumstances allow.

Beginners Guide to Buying STARS

Guide to Buying STARS on MEXC

Guide to Buying STARS on MEXC (Video)

How to buy STARS on ApeSwap (Video)

How to buy STARS on BitMart (Video)

How to buy STARS on UniSwap (Video)

How to buy STARS on PancakeSwap (Video)


Mogul Productions - NFT Marketplace - STARS

Mogul Press

Mogul Partners with Beem to Drive Exclusive Content & STARS Adoption

Mogul Productions, a DeFi and NFT marketplace platform for the film and entertainment industry, is collaborating with Beem, which offers a web3 video live streaming and distribution solution.

The partnership will see Mogul’s native token, STARS, be integrated into Beem’s ecosystem. Beem users will be able to pay with STARS to consume Web3 content directly on the platform. 

STARS is the utility and governance token that fuels the Mogul ecosystem. It enables Mogul users to buy NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on its marketplace, vote on which film projects to get funded, receive discounts on purchases, earn returns for staking, and redeem exclusive rewards.

Beem is the place where content creators use advanced video and NFT tools to meet with their communities. For Mogul creators, the partnership will bring new monetization and community utility opportunities. Producers, artists and creators on Mogul can use Beem to partake in token-gated events, live experiences, and screenings. The collaboration will enable Mogul to monetize add-ons or charge streaming fees, including to users who don’t own NFTs.

Beem is fueled by its native token $Beem.  The platform supports a new generation of emerging creators, which focus on the ownership economy and value independence. Creators build real communities through direct relationships instead of renting audiences from social media platforms. The latter can be used to funnel new followers into a customized space that is fully controlled and owned by creators. NFTs empower creators by offering transparent and customizable monetization options.

With Beem, Mogul will further be able to meet the demands of the new generation of Web3 content creators, giving them the opportunity to leverage some of the best blockchain and NFT tools in the industry. One of the key achievements of the partnership is that NFT holders on Mogul can partake in token-gated events. For example, if a film that partnered with Mogul had a virtual meet and greet or BTS screening, NFT holders could verify their NFT on the Beem App and then interact with that content. 

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.

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About Beem

Beem is a video live streaming and distribution solution designed to foster direct relationships between creators and communities. Leveraging Web3 unique monetization and access technologies including NFT token gated content and events, Beem offers a first of its kind innovative toolbox for diverse creators. 

Website | Twitter | Instagram 

Mogul Press

How can DAOs involve fans in filmmaking? Expert answers

Jake Fraser believes that DAOs can let fans get involved from the scriptwriting process to the selection of actors who will play in a film.

As more people begin to integrate Web3 technologies into entertainment and production, the use case for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in filmmaking has been highlighted in a Cointelegraph interview with Jake Fraser, the head of business development at the film-focused blockchain project Mogul Productions.

When it comes to DAO usage in films, a deeper level of fan engagement was highlighted by Fraser. As an example, the executive pointed out the involvement of fans in the production process, such as in creating the script, choosing stories and picking the location. He explained that: 

“DAOs come into play within the film industry by enabling the fans to become more involved with decision making through the whole script to screen process of making a film.”