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Mogul Access Passes Information

Mogul is selling, for a limited time, tiered Access Pass packages through our platform. Each package consists of a non-fungible token (NFT), STARS, and a personalized, physical package of merchandise that is sent to the purchaser.

The Access Pass NFT represents your level of access within the Mogul platform; each level of access will have different experiences and rewards available to them related to Mogul-produced movies. For example, Red Carpet Access Pass holders will have exclusive events curated specifically for them, such as private screenings. The NFTs are transferable and the benefits are given to the holder of the non-fungible (NFT) token.

The STARS token is required for access to the Mogul platform. Each user must have a minimum of 1 token. STARS are used as in-app utility and governance token.

The Access Pass Sale will occur from March 25th toApril 8th and tiers will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Passes must be purchased directly through the Mogul platform. There are only a limited number of passes available.

CAUTION: Any offers to get any Mogul tokens or passes to you before April 8th outside of Mogul’s Platform, including on Uniswap, are NOT genuine.

STARS tokens will be immediately distributed to user’s wallets during the sale and will unlock 1 week following the end of the sale.

There will be an initial supply of 400M STARS tokens with the following distribution:

  • 10% Early Reservations → tokens sold to early Mogul users
  • 40% Access Pass Sale → sold through Access Pass tiers
  • 5% Mogul Growth Farming Campaign → in collaboration with the Uniswap protocol
  • 10% Incentivized Growth Farmingdetails below
  • 20% Operations & Development → tiered access over 3 years to support the product growth roadmap and incentivize the team
  • 10% Marketing → used for rewards, influencer partnerships, and more to market the Mogul ecosystem
  • 5% Ecosystem Development Fund → on-platform earning through trivia, challenges, and referrals to grow the Mogul user base

The supply of STARS tokens will inflate by 4% each year. These tokens are allocated to the Mogul Ecosystem Development Fund to support the continued growth of the Mogul user base and STARS holders.

Token Use Cases

STARS is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain

Access: to access the Mogul platform / network, users must have a minimum wallet balance of 1 STARS token


  • STARS holders will govern aspects of the Mogul platform
  • 5% of profits accruing from Mogul-produced films are shared with an escrow pool. The usage of the funds will be governed by STARS holders


  • STARS tokens will be used to vote on which movies are going to be funded in the Showcase; users will stake their STARS to vote on a specific film. To encourage voting, voters will collectively claim STARS tokens after the voting round according how long they voted for the project (i.e. if the voting period was 14 days, there were 1m STARS tokens to be distributed to voters, and a user had 1% of all Voting Shares, the user would get 10k STARS tokens that would be claimable after the voting round — these tokens come from the Ecosystem Development Fund)

In-App Currency: STARS tokens are used to pay for specific in-platform actions. STARS are burnt after use for in-platform actions and removed from the circulating supply of tokens

  • Submitting a project
  • Purchasing a reward
  • Access Pass NFT holders have access to purchasing higher tiers of rewards within the platform
  • More to be added in the future

Mogul Growth Farming Campaign

To grow the STARS ecosystem and encourage Uniswap protocol users to become Mogul community members, 40 million STARS will be distributed to early farmers for the first 600,000 Ethereum blocks (approximately 3 months) after STARS are unlocked. The announcement of the creation and audit of the staking contract for Mogul users to participate in this campaign will be shared soon.

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Mogul will continue adding DeFi products and features that increase the utility of the STARS token within the Mogul platform and ecosystem. From the Ecosystem Development Fund, STARS will be used to encourage users to do actions within the platform that advance the Mogul suite of products, including backing films, referring their friends, completing challenges, contributing to the development of movies, and more.

Logistics of the Access Pass Sale

Summary: there are 4 tiers to purchase from during the Access Pass Sale, governed by an audited smart contract. Each tier has a different cost of ETH/STARS token. Users must purchase 1 tier at a time (users may purchase more than 1 tier, but they would be separate transactions)

There are a finite number of each tier available for purchase; each tier includes STARS and an NFT, where the NFT represents a user’s exclusive Access on the platform — the NFT will be displayed in your Mogul Profile upon delivery. NFTs will be delivered to Access Pass purchasers on April 27th.

There is also a general contract for users to “top up” their tokens. This is for users who want to purchase a custom number of STARS; for example, 100 STARS to submit a project. These tokens are sold through the Mogul platform and the smart contract is designed for users to purchase any amount of STARS tokens that they require.

Red Carpet Access Pass NFT Package

  • Only 25 available
  • 50,000,000 STARS ERC20 tokens distributed total
  • 2,000,000 STARS / purchaser
  • Includes a personalized, physical package of merchandise: a Mogul hat, clapper board, and director’s chair

Backstage Access Pass NFT Package

  • Only 100 available
  • 50,000,000 STARS ERC20 tokens distributed total
  • 500,000 STARS / purchaser
  • Includes a physical package of merchandise: a Mogul hat and clapper board

VIP Access Pass NFT Package

  • Only 250 available
  • 25,000,000 STARS ERC20 tokens distributed total
  • 100,000 STARS / purchaser
  • Includes a Mogul hat

All Access Pass NFT Package

  • Only 2000 available
  • 10,000,000 STARS ERC20 tokens distributed
  • 5,000 STARS / purchaser

“Top Up” (no Access NFT included)

  • Users can purchase any number of STARS ERC20 tokens
  • 65,000,000 STARS distributed
  • 0.0003 ETH / STARS token as the fixed price

If the Access Pass Sale ends before all passes are sold out then the remaining tokens will be locked into the “Top Up” contract and the NFTs will go up for sale at a later date.

Prices of access passes can be viewed within your Mogul Dashboard. Sign up to reserve your Access Pass now at

Key Dates

Today: Users can reserve an Access Pass through their Mogul profile and become waitlisted to purchase Access Passes

March 20th: Mogul to publish audited token and Access Pass Sale smart contracts

March 20–23: Early Adopter Distribution Program (200k tokens distributed to 10,000 users who sign up during this timeframe; distributed through a raffle system)

March 25th: start of the Access Pass sale

April 8th: End of Access Pass sale

April 10th: Smart wallet and mainnet deployment

April 15th: STARS tokens unlocked with immediate in-app utility as an in-app currency

April 19th: Mogul growth farming campaign Phase 1 begins

April 20th: Early Adopter Distribution Program STARS distribution

April 27th: NFT marketplace launch & distribution of Mogul Access Passes

April 29th: Mogul Genesis NFTs distributed

~ May 3rd: Mogul growth farming campaign Phase 2 begins (after 100,000 Ethereum blocks)

~ May 31st: Mogul growth farming campaign Phase 3 begins (after 200,000 Ethereum blocks)

June 1st: Governance contract launched

June 15th: Staking contract launched within the Mogul platform

July 12th: Mogul growth farming campaign Phase 3 ends (after 600,000 Ethereum blocks)

*Dates subject to change due to any technical difficulties that are outside of Mogul’s control.