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Mogies Ask Me Anything

Transcript of the Mogies AMA in Discord with the Mogul team. The Mogies sale will start on October 21st and will happen exclusively on the Mogul platform

  1. Q: are Mogies available for purchase in STARS tokens?
    A: yes, Mogies are available for purchase in STARS tokens and ETH. If you purchase in STARS, you will receive a 10% discount
  2. Q: I have STARS on the BSC network. Can I buy Mogies with them?
    A: The short answer is yes, but Mogies are on the ETH network, so the STARS you use to purchase them will have to be on the ETH network as well. If your STARS are on the Binance Chain, you will need to bridge them over. You can do so through the MultiChain bridge or by depositing and withdrawing from the Ascendex exchange. Our team can help and guide you if you require assistance
  3. Q: I won a contest whitelist spot. How do I claim and verify my whitelist role?
    A: If you won a whitelist spot, you need to let our admins know and show proof. Once you do that, you will receive the Contest WL role on Discord. You will also be required to fill out the premint form at this link: Once you fill out the premint form, we will have your Discord username and be able to make sure that you are given whitelist
  4. Q: How many STARS tokens do I need to purchase a Mogie?
    A: at the current price of ETH and STARS a Mogie on the first day of the sale will cost approximately 240k STARS tokens Of course, this will go down by 0.2 ETH per day
  5. Q: What benefit does the whitelist get me?
    A: The whitelist gives you the opportunity to purchase at the lowest price of the dutch auction AFTER the dutch auction sale. There are unique perks for purchasing in the dutch auction that you will not qualify for, but the benefit is that you can buy at the price the auction ends at. So if the auction ends at 0.6 ETH, you will be able to purchase for that price
  6. Q: What are the perks on buying on the first day of the dutch auction on Oct 21?
    A: – 1.5x rebate on your purchase in STARS
    – Free bonus Mogies at the end of the sale (if there are any unsold, these will be redeemable for the people who buy FIRST in the dutch auction. So if there are 50 Mogies remaining after the sale, then the first 50 buyers in the dutch auction will be able to claim these for free. They will also receive their rebate, so they will be getting a 2 for 1 discount)
    – Gold and silver embossed Mogies
    – Free bonus access pass
  7. Q: I own an access pass. How do I make sure that I get whitelist? A: There will be a snapshot the Tuesday before the sale. So if you buy before then, you will get your wallet address automatically put onto the whitelist
  8. Q: I am new to Mogul and see that there is a STARS reward for the rebate system. What are STARS tokens and what are they used for? A: Mogul is the future of film & $STARS power the platform $STARS are used to:
    Purchase movie NFTs
    Vote on movies to launch on Mogul
    Claim exclusive movie rewards
    Stake & more
    STARS tokens have been live for nearly 2 years and are listed on many decentralized and centralized exchanges
  9. Q: Many NFT collections are scams that are made very quickly and then the team rugs the project. How long have Mogies been worked on and what can we expect?
    A: This year has been amazing for Mogies! Can’t believe we have been working on this for nearly a year
    Oct ’21: Mogul partners with the animators of the Simpsons @chavvostudios
    Jan ’22: Trailer released
    Aug ’22: Pre Sale SOLD OUT at Futurist Conference
    Oct 21 2022: Public Sale ⌛️
  10. Q: Do Mogies have different traits on the NFTs like Bored Apes?
    A: Yes. There are 5 tiers of Mogies and each also has what is called a STAR Meter which is a score from 1-100 that each Mogie has. In addition, Mogies have 7 different facial expressions based on the 7 universal emotions These expressions will play a key role in their character development in the animated series
  11. Q: what are the 5 tiers of Mogies?
    A: 5 tiers of Mogies with distinct backgrounds:
    Gold: Mogieland Legends
    Red Carpet: Industry Icons
    Backstage: Fan Favorites
    Studio: Main Characters
    Flat: Supporting Cast
  12. Q: what is the Mogies supply?
    A: there are only 1923 Mogies. This was chosen because next year is the 100th year anniversary of the Hollywood sign being erected in LA (1923 was the year it was erected) and there is so much detail that go into the artwork of Mogies that each one took nearly a day to make!!
  13. Q: Who is the artist?
    A: Erick Tran is the Mogies artist. He was the lead artist for the Simpsons and King of the Hill and is working with us to make Mogies into an animated series
  14. Q: How will the reveal go?
    A: the reveal will happen after the sale. Each Mogie is randomly assigned to the owners in a fair manner. The Mogie number will not match the token ID
  15. Q: I didn’t make the whitelist. Can I still purchase a Mogie?
    A: Yes! You can still purchase in the dutch auction, or you can wait until after the whitelist sale for the public sale if there are any remaining. The best way to guarantee you can get a Mogie is to purchase through the dutch auction on Oct 21

    Here are the phases of the sale:
    – Pre Sale (SOLD OUT)
    – Dutch Auction (only 600 Mogies)
    – Whitelist Sale
    – Public Sale
    – Redeem Mogies (if any unsold for the dutch auction purchasers to redeem for free)
    – STARS rebate
    – Reveal
  16. Q: Should I buy in STARS tokens or ETH?
    A: This is up to you as a buyer, but the benefit of buying in STARS is that you get a 10% discount on your purchase. STARS buyers, however, will get a 1x rebate no matter where they buy in the dutch auction, but ETH buyers can get a rebate up to 1.5x
  17. Q: How can I get a FREE Mogie toy?
    A: We have partnered with Ism Toys for our holders to order real life representations of their NFTs. We have already made 2 of them. If you mint one of these two toys, we will send you them for free!
  18. Q: How does the rebate work in the dutch auction?
    A: In short, if you buy above the floor price, you will get the difference in price sent back to you. 600 Mogies are sold via dutch auction starting at 1 ETH. The price decreases by 0.2 ETH every 24 hrs to 0.2 ETH if they’re not sold out Buyers above 0.2 ETH are eligible for a rebate in ERC20 $STARS up to 1.5x the premium paid Full details of the rebate are on the Mogul platform under the Mogies section 🙂
  19. Q: When will I be able to see the Mogies animated series?
    A: We have finished the animatic for the pilot episode for Mogies Episode 1 and we are hoping to do a viewing and give that animatic to the Mogies buyers so they can watch it and be part of the creative process
  20. Q: I heard that Mogul will be building a Hollywood Metaverse. Can I own land there?
    A: All mogies buyers will get a free plot of land in Mogieland when it launches. Mogieland is a Hollywood metaverse for film premieres, games, shopping, and more.
  21. Q: What other utility is there for Mogies?
    A: Full utility is listed here:
  22. Q: Where can I see all of the Mogies?
    A: you can browse them all in our gallery on the Mogul platform!
  23. Q: Where can I see the Mogies roadmap?
    A: Visit our platform here:

    That is all for our AMA today! We hope that this was helpful for everyone. If anyone has any additional questions please post them and our team will help answer them all and educate our community prior to the sale