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Mogul AMA Recap – Gorav Seth 06/14/2021

Moderator Questions

Question 1: Would you please recommend Mogul to our community?

Answer: Yeah.  I was interested enough to join the team for Mogul myself.  This project, unlike many others you will online, has a real utility and opportunity to disrupt an archaic film/tv industry.  I think it’s ripe for change and the use case of this is massive – not just in hollywood – but also the entire global entertainment /content space.

Mogul is the first in the world to be taking DeFi and democratizing the film finance side. I think there’s tremendous upside and value to anyone taking a look at our project at the current levels.

Question 2: What are the highlights of the Mogul project? What are you developing on NFT?

Answer: Mogul is a DeFi and NFT platform for the film industry. We have been building this project for over 2 years and recently launched our first iteration of the platform on February 18th.  The token sale just got completed just over a month ago and we have over 50k users that have joined the platform since our launch.

Mogul’s  goal is to help democratize the film & entertainment space by providing better access, transparency and interaction to the fans that consume the content.   Our platform takes submissions of films that are looking for financing, reviews them for creative and commercial aspects and then, puts them up in our showcase for the community to vote on.  Films that receive the most votes get financed by Mogul.  Our $stars token holders consequently can earn rewards, experiences and other valuable things on our platform.

Conversely, the films that are financed by the Mogul community ($STARS holders) benefit by garnering a loyal fanbase that has been involved alongside the project from financing to distribution.  They can also tap a global audience and capital base to get their projects funded, so everyone wins.

We have been building a robust NFT platform that is targeted at the entertainment industry.  It can be used for a variety of functions, but one that is particularly interesting for both $stars token holders and the films we finance, is that we can create NFTs out of any content relating to the films, which helps create new revenue streams for the producers/film makers.  We do things such as posters/art to clips from the films etc and offer that to our community.

Question 3: Does Mogul have its own token? And what role does it play in the ecosystem?

Answer: Yeah – Mogul’s token is called STARS.  It can be bought on our platform or from the secondary markets via exchanges such as Uniswap Bitmart, 1inch and a few more exchanges that are being announced very shortly.

The $STARS token is a utility token that functions as an ‘in-app’ currency within the Mogul platform and ecosystem.  The value of the token is derived from how much value or perceived value our community finds in the use for it.  We help create value by providing users with the ability to become film moguls themselves – essentially, giving them the value to, not only select what films get financed, but also track the film from inception to release.  They can get incredible experiences, assets, behind the scenes access, etc. by using the token and earning rewards.  Our goal is to make the $STARS token the de-facto method of payment for the hollywood and entertainment industry.

We help bridge the gap and connect the creators of film to the consumers of those films (the fans or token holders).  Their is value for both is massive and i think you will be seeing a lot of activity, announcements and marketing from main street publications and crypto press alike. I’d also add we are also talking to some major celebrities about using the token and getting involved, so we are extremely excited.

Question 4: Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results Mogul has achieved so far? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for Mogul?

Answer: Following the launch of our token, we have so far been working on providing further integration with DeFi protocols and partnering with groups such as Chainlink as an oracle to bring off chain data from the films to our platform and Polygon, to access scalability to Eth tier 2 solutions.  We are also working with Biconomy to provide optimization for Web3 platforms.

We are working hard to expand the services, recruit new members and execute on new partnerships within the film/entertainment space with studios, production companies, movie stars, etc to help boster marketing and awareness.  The partnerships with some of these talent can be things like celebrity ambassador programs, etc.

We are also getting approached by various exchanges to list our token and provide access to $STARS to a much wider audience.

I’d also note that we have a MAJOR announcement coming up relating to our roadmap, so watch out for that.

Aside from that, the community can expect us to announce a new showcase and finance a film over the next month or so.  From that film, will come all types of rewards, experiences, content, etc.

Twitter Questions

Tweet 1: @ShinPoka9984

How is #Mogul development going? Can you describe current development status, market expansion plans, expected applications?

Answer: The Mogul team is focused on building tools so that our token is usable on several different chains.  The purpose of this is to help expand the ecosystem and provide a broader base of access for the global crypto community.

Tweet 2: @Bochu16153772

Staking programme is very important for any project, Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?

Answer: Yeah, we have one that you can access on our platform.

Here’s an article explaining how to farm our $STARS token.

You can stake STARS themselves or get a much higher return by becoming a liquidity provider with a STARS/ETH pair.  I think the return is something like 55% APR right now

Tweet 3: @TranThuyHa7

What is the role of token in the ecosystem? Where can people currently buy it?what would be its used?

Answer: Per my responses above, the $STARS token can be used as an “in-app” currency within the mogul ecosystem.  It can be used to vote for films, earn rewards, bid of NFTs, experiences within the films themselves (i.e. role in the movie, credit on screen, meet the stars, attend the premier, etc.)

You can buy the $STARS token right now via Uniswap, Bitmart, 1Inch and a couple more exchanges being announced very shortly.  There’s one BIG announcement relating to this, so that should be a very nice catalyst that everyone is happy about.

Tweet 4: @BENSTOCK26

What is your future planning or strategy with respect to compete with growing projects on Binance smart chain?

Answer: We have a big announcement relating to this..😉

Tweet 5: @Thng87161386

What are the priorities of Mogul in 2021? As we are in the bullish phase of the crypto market, are there any exciting initiatives that you’re planning in the pipeline that you can share with us?

Answer: Our tech is one focus.  We have 10 engineers working full time for the project.  We are building things out like our NFT marketplace, voting module, and smart wallet features, etc. . All third party code audits have passed with flying colours, so that’s a priority

Second, we will be having a film financed from our showcase in the next month or so.  That will be a major focus for us getting us lots of press and marketing.  It will provide our users with lots of valuable access, rewards, etc.

It will also help validate us for the big players in Hollywood and show the world the value of blockchain and crypto for a use-case in the film / entertainment industry

Community Questions

Question 1: IF THE BEAR MARKET COMES will your token PROBABLY DUMP? Do you have any plan to prepared for this bear market? How will you handle the panic sell?

Answer 1: We have a real business and use-case for our project.  We plan on being here for years to come and are focused on making this a real, viable and LT business. Other alt tokens or smaller projects are just pumps.  We can distinguish ourselves from them by executing and marketing.

Question 2: How do you keep your platform safe for Investors, and is your platform protected from hackers? And how do you manage if there’s an attack on your platform, including the personal data of your platform’s users? Is your platform ready for this?

Answer 2: Mogul is very much concerned about security and as such, every contract published goes through a thorough audit.  These audits are all published on our website, so you can see for yourself. Security of our users has been a top priority for us since inception and our developers have worked hard to ensure that. Mogul has had audits conducted by firms such as Zokyo and Hacken.

Question 3: Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project / company. What is the way to generate profit / revenue of token? What is the income model?

Answer 3: We generate profit from the films themselves, and can also monetize via various value-add services we provide to the film industry such as helping monetize digital assets via NFTs or helping to protect IP, etc.

Question 4: Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?

Answer 4: Yes.  We burn 50% of the tokens that are used in-app to redeem rewards or purchase things on our platform.  For instance, we burned 50% of the 5.5m tokens that were used to purchase the famous marvel artist, Rob Prior’s NFT art piece that we auctioned off a couple of weeks ago.

Question 5: Where does the project name you found? What does it mean for you and why did you choose that name for your project?

Answer 5: The name of Mogul perfectly captures what we are trying to do.  Democratize the film industry and give access to the fans, so they can become film moguls themselves and get involved in the process of financing film and getting all the perks that come with it.