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Billionaire Bunnies Club AMA

Jake: Hey guys, Julian Bonilla  is now joining us for a text AMA here from the Billionaire Bunnies Club which is a NFT collection dropping on Mogul soon. Hey Julian, welcome! How’s it going?

Julian: Hello Everyone! Pleasure to meet you all

Jake: Thanks for joining and excited to have you here today! Firstly, can you please give the audience a snapshot into what TBBC is and what you are looking to achieve with the NFT collection?

Julian: Yes, of course! We are currently in pre production of an animated crime drama series that will be utilizing NFT art and Blockchain Technology. We also hope to spread awareness in the Emotional Support Animal therapy community as we believe in proven fundamentals of therapy methods that work! The series is currently being produced in-house by our team here at Bunny Labs 

Jake: Very cool! Love the aspect of you tying in the animated series and philanthropic side too! Take us back to the idea of the IP and what spurred you to want to use NFTs from the start?

Julian: For sure! Thanks Jake we appreciate that. We believe in fundamental methods and programs when it comes to the recovery phase of mental health and mental disabilities. 

The idea of the IP came from the artist of the project as we both believed Bunnies were animals that everyone loves! We also saw a correlation where Bunnies are one of the animals used as Emotional support animals. Both the artist and I are crypto enthusiasts and saw the NFT market become a great way to reach consumers for new and upcoming brands or collections!

Jake: I personally haven’t seen any Bunny PFP collections, so it is nice to see something unique and creative! Plus who can not like bunnies lol. Would you be able to give the audience some insight into the storyline of TBBC and how this is tied into the animated series?

Julian: Yes! Lol that was our thought exactly. But of course! We are super excited to introduce everyone to the main family of the series very soon but,

The Billionaire Bunnies Club is a visionary animated crime drama that straddles the glamorous South Beach (Bunny Island) lifestyles of the rich and infamous and the underworld international drug (Karats) trade.

Bottom line? The Billionaire Bunnies Club is about La Familia and the quest for territorial control of other Billionaire Bunnies on Bunny Island. What makes it interesting and compelling for viewers is that there is no road to redemption. Everyone’s like a stranger on the subway, just trying to find their way home…

Jake: Sounds like an interesting storyline! The trailer you guys put together to showcase the look and feel of the brand was pretty cool. Will have to post that in the channel for the community soon.

Are you able to tell us more about the charity component you guys are working on around Emotional support animals and why you chose to go this route?

Here is a link to the trailer: 

Julian: Thank you! Our series opening scene will relate to that team trailer we shot so definitely give that a look so you can feel the mood we are chasing for our series!

I would love to dive a little deeper into that. We are driven by bringing awareness to Emotional Support Animal therapy. We got the idea to focus on a method of therapy that can serve and help a large mass of people. More than half of people in America own at least one dog in their household. And the number for pets outside of dogs is even higher than that, almost in the 70% range. 

There are steps in order to qualify for an ESA:

First, you must see a certified psychologist, psychotherapist, or social worker who has the proper mental health credentials.

Secondly, you must undergo a detailed mental health diagnosis.

Lastly, ASKING for an ESA Letter that certifies an emotional disability.

There is no special training required for an ESA. That means that if you already have a pet, you can get it certified as an ESA. Any domesticated animal may be considered as an ESA and they can be any age. If you don’t already have a pet, getting an ESA is pretty much the same as getting any other pet! You’ll need to decide what kind of pet is best for you and look up local places to adopt. 

Of course, before getting any kind of pet, it is important to seriously consider the responsibilities that come along with it.

We know the ESA community is large with different categories so we want to really focus a lot of our support efforts on mental health, mental disabilities, and stroke recovery. 

That’s our team and our community’s mission is to really offer helping hands to those in need through dialing in on methods of therapy that statistically prove they work. Again, we believe in the fundamentals as we believe it is the main foundation of therapy programs.

Jake: That’s fantastic – thanks for providing that context and info around why you went into the ESA route. Shows you guys have done a lot of research and are here for the right reasons!

How did you go about getting Marcus your artist attached? What was the creative process like creating a PFP collection?

Julian: Marcus and I were actually old college roommates as well as football teammates at Pace University for a semester. Marcus displayed his art abilities to me by helping me pass my college art class with flying colors, no pun intended. Marcus and I had a barter system that worked in both of our favors but, it was on two specific pieces he did for me that I knew he was on a different kind of level with Art. It was an amazing replica Picasso piece and a Bob Marley portrait. Fast forward to now, it was about a year ago that I reached out to him with this idea of bringing his art skills into blockchain technology. What made us go down the Bunny hole in our creative process was that we saw cute harmless animals that we can give a cool edge to and turn them into Billionaires.

Jake: Love the backstory! Nice how you guys can come together and provide your own skill sets to develop the project. Interesting dichotomy around the Bunnies too

Can you explain the collection composition, rarity, traits etc?

Julian: Yes! Marcus is a sweetheart and it has been nothing but an absolute pleasure for me to say the least to have the opportunity to come back together and work with an artist as talented as him. 

And yes!

The collection composition is based on a soft and simplistic style but, still keeping the integrity of Billionaires in regards to the Bunnies clothing and characteristics. We really wanted to pick a variety of different Billionaires from celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, different artists, etc.

Jake: Awesome! Can’t wait to see them all 🙂 

Do you have any favorite animated series you’ve seen produced so far whether through mainstream distribution or in the NFT world? 

Julian: Yes! Our artist is a huge fan of a variety of different anime ranging from bleach, yu-yu haku show and American classics like Boondocks and Rick & Morty. We also share passion for gangster films where we know the crime drama will be great to see in full animation.

Jake: Awesome! Interesting to see how the different creative influences inspire you to help craft your own stories 

What’s your take on the NFT market at the moment and how do Billionaire bunnies intend on growing their brand and users? What are you most excited about?

Julian: Yes we have a great running storyline in our episodes coming for our club members! 

But, to be honest I am really excited for the future of the NFT market even though we are weathering this current bear market. The opportunities are what we are most excited about as we know NFTs are a great way to grow a community that is proud of the brand they are involved with. We intend to lead with a community-driven development approach and transparency so we know that our members firstly know what they are buying which is the art and are ultimately satisfied with their purchase. We are excited to build through the bear market and see it fully through to the next bull run!

Jake: Awesome! Nice to see you guys have a long term viewpoint and are approaching this to develop the IP from a few different angles. 

Lastly, Are you able to explain the project roadmap and some of the main perks/utility offered to holders? 

Julian: Our roadmap will give holders access to member perks only. Holders can look forward to us creating and developing items that will offer them luxury and once in a lifetime experiences. We believe the current NFT market is one where we can be open and transparent about the different obstacles creators can face but collectively there are opportunities to grow and create a safe and secure environment for those who may be new or those who do have a passion for Art & NFTs. It is exciting to be able to share knowledge with others and also deliver impactful art to a global audience. We look forward to collaborating and partnering with those who can see our team’s vision.

Jake: Amazing – thanks for providing that detailed insight and appreciate your time joining us today to explain what you guys are doing! 

Link to Official Channels: 

Link to NFT page on Mogul: 

Julian: Thank you so much Jake and the entire Mogul Productions Family! We will be launching on their Marketplace soon. Be on the lookout for The Billionaire Bunnies Club Collection and while you’re here.. Go and grab a few Mogies while you can! 

Jake: Thanks again! Chat with you soon 🙂
Julian: Talk soon! Have a great day everyone